
 The era of using simulation like a calculator, a dream for many years, has finally arrived, and the various phrases advocated by CAE vendors, ~shorten design cycles, ~reduce rework, ~designer CAE, ~prototype-less, ~simulation driven design, ~virtual experimentation, ~digital twin, have all been used with I myself have used them with an eye toward how CAE can be used in manufacturing process.

 I feel that the effects of CAE and simulation have been reasonably effective. On the other hand, it is still difficult to see the investment effect, and it seems to be a difficult task that requires a dedicated person or department.

 The concept of using simulation like a calculator, which I have long dreamed of, is just like the relationship between Excel and a calculator, where CAE tools and simulation calculators are used separately, and everyone can easily use them for checking in all situations.

 It seems to me that the elemental technologies for achieving this are coming together: a cloud environment with fast performance hardware, app-type operability, subscription-type pricing structure, and AI-type setup navigation, surrogate models for approximate calculations, and so on.


 We tentatively named this SimuCalc and would like to start working towards making it a reality. It is a dream come true! If you are interested in running with us, please let us know.